Blush with Edge
Grace Chong
A4, Pencil, Marker
June 2010
"Blush with Edge" was designed specifically for a celebrity to wear to the red carpet. The reason for this name is because of the gown's colour. It is pink, similar to a blusher, a lady puts on to her cheeks. The colour is sweet and pretty, able to make people who see the lady in this gown blush, but with edge, referring to the sudden black in the gown.
"Blush with Edge" was inspired by the idea of corsets and designed by me a few months ago during my free time.
I was fascinated by how corsets could define a woman’s figure, though harmful. Wanting to design a dress which screamed "corset" in it, I designed a bustier gown, using pencils, and markers on A4 drawing block paper.
This dress is made of blush coloured satin. It fits to the body closely, until the knees, where it protrudes out, similar to a fish’s tail, a recognizable shape in the dress. The black lines on the dress are made of satin which link the different parts of the dress together. The black is contrasting to the sweet blush, which gives the gown a less feminine feel.
Through this dress, I want to convey my idea of gowns can also be edgy through contrasts in colour. I do think I am successful in conveying this message.